conscious dance movement practice & therapy

The Ego Show

The Ego Show A 5Rhythms dance and ritual theater workshop with healing potential. Our ego characters are parts of us that tend to run the show. They once came on […]

Being Human

5Ritmes in Barcelona, Spanje



Open Floor and Feldenkrais in Galicia


Spirit Dance

MFC Klarendal Kazerneplein 2, Arnhem

5Ritmes in Arnhem


Into the Flow

Dansen op de blote aarde, uitkijkend over de heuvels. 
Kamperen en samen jezelf zijn.


MFC Klarendal Kazerneplein 2, Arnhem

Open Floor and Feldenkrais workshop, in Arnhem The Netherlands


Coming home

a dance workshop in Ibiza with Arjan and Rhoda


Cosmos Connection

Espai Cosmos Carrer Pere IV 78-84 6º 8º, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

5Ritmes in Barcelona
