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31 mei 2024 @ 19:00 - 2 juni 2024 @ 19:00
a workshop with Samuel Letellier (Feldenkrais) and Arjan Bouw (Open Floor)
Two teachers and artists who collaborate with all their inspiration and tools to investigate movement that can bring us back ease by letting the dance unfold from our spontaneous self.
With Feldenkrais, the approach and exploration is to quieten our moving selves and identify and learn about your patterns with subtle and very specific movements. In this way, we amplify our awareness, thereby noticing how we habitually move, think and feel, bringing this into the realm of the conscious. With this awareness comes dignity and more possibilities in the moment to make choices.
Open Floor is a resource based movement practice. We explore new ways of moving and responding to what is happening with intention and purpose. The more we embody different responses in our movements, the more resources we can call on to move through life with flexibility, resilience and ease.
We will focus on the motor development of the human being. We will move with each transition, from the gentle curve of lying on our backs to the earthy embrace when we lie on our stomach, from lying to sitting, and onward through the grounded posture of four points, the humble squat, and finally, the rise to standing.
This exploration delves into the very essence of how we organise our bodies as we learn how to move from the floor up to standing. What calls us forth into motion, what whispers from the external world to our inner being to harmonize and align. It’s a dance where the external impulse meets the internal, where every cell responds to the call of gravity and grace.
These steps in our development, these tender explorations of movement, are not merely physical but in every posture there is a different perspective on the world which influences the way we relate to the world around us.
Willingness to move and a minimal level of playfulness is required.
Centro María Blanco
C/ Riazor 7
Friday 19:00-21:30
Saturday 10:30-18:00
Sunday 10:30-17:00
Friday: 25€
Whole workshop 225€
Earlybird till 22nd January 195€INSCRIPTIONS